3/18/23: Expanding on Exodus 21
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Monotheism?; "God" is an office; Elohim = Judges; Apostles are also gods; Demons?; Official duties; Who is your god?; Reserve funds; Saul's folly; Egyptian bondage; Moses' statutes/judgements; Ex 21 - examples of judgements = precedents; Common law; "Freeman"; Defining "god"; Family - first institution of God; Who chooses good/evil for you?; Self-evident commandments?; Criminals; Monotheism?; Ex 21:6; Involuntary servitude; Moses servitude; US servitude; Son's of God?; "Apotheos"; Bill Clinton's haircut?; Are you willing to hear?; How to be of God; Psychopathy; Ruling over neighbor; Mind shadows; Demonic influences; Loving the light of truth; Christ's instructions to those awakening to their bondage; Deciding fact and law; Kingdoms of the "world"; God sets the captive free; Dealing with Pharoah; Going up by steps; Overruling unjust statutes; Appeals courts; Cities of Refuge; Moral authority; Hammurabi codes; Letting in the light; Putting people to death; Gen 11:28 Haran's death?; Origins of your "laws"; "Surely put to death" - mem-vav-tav (mut); To let die; Two trees reference; Removal from the Tree of Life; Childhood trauma; Biblical "killing"; What to do to live?; Thinking like Christ; Misconceptions; Honoring father and mother; Serving false gods; Repenting and seeking the kingdom; Networking; Freedom from depression; Your responsibility for you; Daily personal sacrifice; "mut" = flow towards death; Allowing wrong choices; Religion of death; "Aleph" relationship of God with man; aleph-mem-tav; aleph-dalet-mem; (adam); dalet-mem = just blood; Deceit of Laban; Cause/effect universe; Just economy; Self-defense; Tyranny?; Stoning?; Checking your doctrines; Foolish virgins; Seek righteousness and save others.