3/18/23: Exodus 22
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Setting down false teachings; Reducing world population; Decapitation; Reasons for war; Controlled opposition; "AI"; Biasing you; Are you willing to see whole truth?; The solution to liberty under God; Your choice; Meanings of metaphors; Sabbath; Deliverance from Egypt; Precedents of Moses; Societal amnesia; Christ's weightier matters of law, judgement, mercy and faith; Perfect savages; Putting people to death; Drawing near Holy Spirit; Sacrifice; Caring for others; Seeking righteousness; Dwindling crowds; Ex 22:1; Intentional crime; Finding moral people; Restitution?; Imagining you're saved; Loan forgiveness?; Subsidies?; Relating to individuals; Elohim; Responsibility; Ex 22:16 - social justice?; mem-hey-resh = surely endow; Word repetition; Undermining commitment; 22:18 - witches?; Slighting mother and father; What made America great; mem+kuf-shin-pe+hey; removing from altars; Community; Circumventing laws of God; Masoretic text; Justice vs oppression; Afflicting widows and orphans; Getting God to hear you; Inheritance tax; Usury; Credit unions; Deciding fact and law; Ending homelessness; "Revile"; tav-aleph-resh; Seeing Hebrew; vs Fabricating meaning; Contribution to charity; Meat with blood in it; Being priests to all nations; Blacking out trauma; Patterns of anger; Vices; Awareness of self; Substitutive forgiveness; Abel and Cain; Gen 4:6; Shepherding vs plowing; Receive the breath of life.