3/11/23: Exodus 21

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Interpretations of Exodus; "Commandment"; Explaining the Law of Nature; Big Bang Theory; Intelligent Design; Diversity in atheism; "Leaven"; Waiting upon the Holy Spirit; When in doubt, Don't!; Still-small voice; God's people?; Living by faith - or by force; Understanding the commandments; Baptism; "Son of God"?; Cooking meat and milk?; Levels of love; Sabbath; Corvee system of statutory labor; FDR; Tribute; Rituals and ceremonies; Moses' government; Protection draws subjection; "Worship"; Misunderstood rules; Taking God's name; Keeping holy the Sabbath; Personal ritual? Or way of life?; Debt; Honoring father and mother; "Fatten"?; Making the word of God of none effect; Adulterating - bodies, environment, neighbors…; Stealing; Bearing false witness; Coveting; Fear not!; Golden calf; Altars; Free societies; Taking the Lord's name in vain; Breeches?; Juries; Lowerarchy; Ex 21:1 - judgements - explanations of Natural Law; Buying servants?; Selling yourself; "Frank" marriages; Domestic relations - Husband and Wife; "Marriage"; Who's your master?; Freemen; Law? Or instructions?; Judges = gods; City-states vs Republics; Protecting women; Cost of injury; Death?; Premeditation; Lay in wait - concealed weapon?; Deciding fact and law; Appeals courts; Stoning?; Recognizing metaphor; Fear of being shunned; Don't bite your neighbor.

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