2/27/21: Men and Women
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Networking; Newsletters; Censoring; Recognizing deception; Media pushing fear; Men and Women; Dysphoria/confusion; Wanting to see truth; Malachi's prophecies; Culture's influence on learning; Deciding good and evil; Mind extends beyond the brain; Woman is man (with a womb); Person?; Woman as a vessel; Process of creation; Holy Spirit; Intelligent design; Discovering God through creation; Dominion; Dress and keep; Living separate from God; Stuck from limited truth; Garden of paradise; Following the creative spirit; Woman completing men; 1 Cor 14:34 - silence?; "Permit" - needs context; 1 Tim 2:12; Women ministers; Married ministers; Paul's wife; Rhomaios vs quiris; New Testament "Church" mission; Practicing Pure Religion; Man + Woman = one; Family; No force in The Church; Corporate church?; Drawing near the Holy Spirit; Seducing the righteous; Communism?; Charity instead of force; Lk 2:36; Important women to early Christianity; (Greg power out)Acts 21:8; Banks; Modern church depends on Caesar; Your truth vs Christ's truth; Acts 2:14-17; "Last days"; Joel 2:28; Elizabeth Gilbert "Eat, Pray, Love" and "Committed" book - marriage misunderstood; Men using side of bed closest to door; Familial protection; Team survival; Most misunderstand church; Cats "loving" birds; Prov 15:17; Song of Solomon 8 seals; No Jealousy in real love; Loving your enemy; Rom 13:10 - love fulfilling law; Get God to dwell in us; God is not punishing you; Seeing yourself completely; Forgiveness; Love is not about what you can get; Marriage = covenant between man and woman; Adam and Eve; Responsibility of care for neighbor; No need for angry words - forgive; Exposing crap; Sharing righteousness; Hot coals and warming fires; Letting in Holy Spirit; Providing for the whole truth; Understanding slavery; Family helps avoid tyranny; Respecting righteousness; Natural Man/Woman relationship; Culture of Christ; Herdsman slaughters some; Returning men to families and possessions; Wake up!; Do what Christ commanded; Learn by doing.