2/18/23: Exodus 16

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Connecting via the network; Systems of tens, hundreds and thousands; Practicality; Make-believe Doers; Who God hears; Forgiveness and care of others; Guidance for Moses; Pillar of smoke and fire; Song of Moses; Sorry vs repentant; What got you into bondage?; Our spiritual existence; Walking with God - in spirit; Divine revelation; Look to Holy Spirit; Removing "Yeast"?;Your spiritual problem; Choosing to remain blind; Willingness to sacrifice; Moral stories; Commandments?; Translator agendas; Ex 16:1; Israel's arduous journey; "Fleshpots"; Fleeing by faith; Torah; Murmur - tav-lamad-vav-nun-hey; How the people are thinking; Against the LORD; God in hearts and minds; Remedying the murmuring; "Come near" - kuf-resh-biet; -> "Qorban" - kuf-resh-beit-nun" = freewill offering/sacrifice; Manna better than the fleshpots of Egypt; Liberty of God; Gathering manna for neighbors in need; Morning job; Function of the pillar?; Resting on Sabbath; v31 - omer of manna reminder; "Murmur" with extra tavs - complain? Or those already having faith, doing more; God hearing them; Mt 7:1 Judge not; Lk 6:37; Prov 24:29; Love your enemies; Testing your forgiveness; Egypt's forced contributions; Not to be that way with us; Avoiding dainties of rulers; Wages of unrighteousness; Keeping your right to choose; Corban of the Pharisees; God hearing murmurs?; "Fleshpots" = cities of blood, cauldrons of flesh; Eze 11:7; One purse; Reducing leaven; Network of faith, hope and charity; "Amalak"; Micah 3:3; Biting neighbors; Is 59:1; Sin = separate from God/pattern; Continuous theme throughout the bible - missed by most; Calling for real justice; "Cockatrice"; Fear not!; Wanting you to die; Welfare snares; Works of iniquity; Legal charity - running toward evil; Coveting is not born again; Je 26:15; Je 7:6; Robbing widows and orphans; Born of your sloth; Being God's good child; Je 22:3; Stop oppressing; Ukraine reference; Je 22:17; Burdening Moses, instead of God; Elder-driven kingdom; Lam 4:13; Your priests; Spreading the Gospel; Keeping the Sabbath; Eze 7:23; Eze 9:9; We have forsaken the LORD; Repent now! Congregate now! Open your eyes and see the kingdom.

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