12/9/23: Matthew 21
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Bible is about the kingdom of God at hand; Took kingdom away from Pharisees; Young Jesus in Egypt; Abraham's similar story; The keys of the kingdom; Ps 109:11 Extortioner (lender) Nun-shen-hey; Debt notes?; Just weights and measures?; Inflation; Prayer of Ps 109; Catch (ensnare) all you have; Ownership of your labor; Giving evil for good; Bondage of Egypt; Seeking His kingdom - for the living; Government of, for and by the people - by charity; Welfare dainties a snare; "Idiotes" = unregistered; Jesus was rich; Made himself poor; Requirements of the Church; Intrigue in the bible; Jesus' Sanhedrin; Re-consecrating the temple; Liberty of choice; Incomplete truth = lie; Mt 20 review; "In", not "of" the world; Caesar, son of God; "benefactor"; Tyranny; Covenanting with Pharaoh; Living by love; Faith without works; Mt 20:25; Giving sight to the blind; Mk 10:42, Lk 22:25; "benefactors"; "Augustus"; Neglecting care; Mt 21:1; Fulfilling prophecy; Zach 9:9; Moses and Jesus in agreement; Modern "church" doctrine excluding Jesus; Hyrcanus vs Aristobulus; Mark 11:9; "Hosanna in the highest"; Heir to the kingdom; "Nazareth"; Temple of God; Casting out moneychangers; "Sold doves"?; Turning over; Mt 21:12; Jesus in Jerusalem; Judean kingdom divided; Rightful king in Jerusalem; Baptism of Herod; Jehovah-Nissi?; Provisions from the Temple; Redistribution of wealth; By force or by charity?; Tithing; String whip?; Porters of the Temple; Publicans; Kingdom freewill choice; Corban; Central treasuries; Church of Satan; Left and right sides; Allowing neighbor right to choose; "dove"; To whom do you pray?; "praise"; Fig tree story; Faith moving mountains; God not hearing you; Christ's system of charity; Mt 23:23; Christ in the treasury - instructing; Questioning Christ's authority; Voting; Borrowing against the future; "authority" = "exousia" = liberty = right to choose; Being a doer; Sarcasm of Jesus; Wandering in the dark; Realizing anti-Christian practices; Forcing neighbors is not OK; Constantine's "church"; The way of righteousness; Vineyard parable; Informing the kingdom will be taken from the Pharisees; Mt 2:6 "governor"; God's laws are omnipresent; Lk 13:9; Fear not!