12/28/19: Reality Checks

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Kingdom in present tense - here and now; Is your pastor telling you that?; Willingness to admit you're wrong; How to get into agreement; Truth is controversial; What iniquity will get you cast out?; Feel-good now churches; US Government has been bankrupt for a long time; Lawful money; Why you're under tribute; Are you willing to come in the name of Christ?; Impeachment update; WWJD?; Evidence you're not following Christ; "Tribal" status; Omnibus bill passed and signed; The campaign finance path; Inconvenient facts; Are you humble?; Prisoners voting?; Addresses for homeless to get benefits; Anti-Christ benefits; Repentance = thinking another way; Omnibus = welfare for politicians; Trespassers in office; More evidence; Which Father do you pray to?; Doing what Christ actually said; Signs in the sun, moon and stars; North pole shift; Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs); Schumann resonance; Constitution is not your salvation; Freedom of Religion; Militia - volunteers attending to weightier matters; More on militia; Grass roots organization; Freedom to choose; Pious (son to father) duties; Registering with the Temple for benefits; "Idiotes"; Why Christians were persecuted; First Christians were Jews; Welfare via charity; John Adams 1798 letter to militia; Local community school stories; Welfare becoming a snare and making you merchandise; Helping you pursue righteousness; Less than whole truth = lie; The full armor of God; What made America great?; What is an "Emperor"?; Commander In Chief; Philippians epistle; Written to those gathering in "the way" of Christ in Philippi; Background of Philippi; Similarities to Virginia news; Republic can't exist without spirit of Christ; "Augustus" means "savior"; Altars of living stones; How do others know Christ is in your life?; Christ's Sanhedrin; Spiritual war; Rhomaios = Greek word meaning "whole"; Finding your salvation; Paul's relationships in the bible; Explaining "ekklesia"; Only one true denomination; Are you willing to know the whole truth?

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