12/23/23: Matthew 25
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
God's righteousness; Repent first; Greek "logos"; Meaning of Matthew?; Egyptian knowledge; Tree of Life; Preconceived notions; Pervasive lies; About Matthew; Imparting inspiration; Truth in the bible; Mt 24 end of age; Nicene council; Tree as a source; Family laws; Abomination of desolation; Addiction to truth; God's opinion is reality; Limiting God by our minds; Recurring abomination; Losing choice; Choice brings opportunities to choose more; Parable of two sons; Son of Man; Christ's commandments; Government of, for and by the people; Acting naturally; Propagating falsehoods; Matt 25:1 Ten virgins; Metaphor-rich; Bride vs harlot; Foolish virgins; Journey to stay awake; Oil; False religion giving good feelings; Gift of faith; Setting aside pride; Mt 25:10; Do you have sufficient oil?; Saying Lord, Lord; Many thinking they are Christians, but not so; False image in your mind; Leaven = cruelty; Righteous benefits; Becoming human resources; God is a capitalist!; Strengthening others; Talent parable; Usury; Producing more; Re-producing; Socialism is not natural; Cultural dilution; Being fruitful with our gifts; Thriving Christians; Matt 25:31; Separating sheep and goats; Personality; Right/Left sides; Need for Church; Entire social welfare for those following the Way; Goats going their own way; Sheep hear his voice; Wedding garments and oil; Inheriting the kingdom; What's in your heart?; "Brethren"; Strengthening the poor; Beastly government; Legal charity contrary to Christ; Righteousness performed is evidence of true faith; Focus on righteousness.