12/2/23: Matthew 20
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Undermining the family; Early America; Loving neighbor as yourself; Submitting to Holy Spirit; Ten commandments; Mt 20:1; God, house holder; Parable of hiring workers throughout the day; God's a capitalist; Christ's "way"; Huck Finn reference; Covetousness leads to bondage; Admitting being wrong; Is your labor yours?; The Egyptian bondage deal; Militia; Population reduction; Killing care by legal charity; Blind Christians; "Jerusalem"; "Not mine to give"; Christ giving his own life; Opening our eyes; Organizational structure; Family dynamics; The Judgement; Wrath of God; Paul in Rome; Hoses in Acts 6; Levites owning property?; Tithings; Burnt offerings; Altars; Criteria of being minister; Q: Eye of the needle; Narrow gates; Small door in the gate; "Hardly"; Camels a rarity; Rich man difficulties; Class interdependency; Professional courts; Teuton family; Shield bearers; Serving spouses; Investing in our neighbors; Look in the hedges; Bleeding America; Theocracies; Free from things public; Bee sting story; Appreciating life God has given you; Sacrifice in the name of Christ; Nature of the Beast; Biting neighbor and unborn children; Tyrants; Following God's leading; Sharing our message; Casting seed; Meaning of "covet"; Prophets of the Beast; Blessings to you.