12/18/21: Christianity as a Nation - Continued
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Government of God; Took from Pharisees, appointed to disciples; "Jesus Christ is King"; Pilate's position; Why Rome was there; Defiling the Temple; Your ministers; Where is your salvation?; Christ told you; John 3; Are you born again? Or under strong delusion?; The evidence against you; Becoming the nation of God on Earth; Cemeteries?; Rev 11:18; Kingdom of God = Kingdom of Heaven; Daily Ministration; Great destroyers; Rev 19:15; Rev 20:3; Rev 22:2; Where are the inhabitants of the Kingdom?; Why say but not do?; Are you turning around?; "peculiar"; shem-gimel-lamad-heh; Titus 2:14; Being zealous for good works; 1 Pe 2:9; "gentile"; Being God's Holy nation today; Ekklesia; Obtaining mercy; No slackers in the kingdom; Honest "conversation"; Turning the world upside-down; "visitation" - widows and orphans; Submitting to governors?; Owing Caesar; Surviving freedom; Kingdom form of government = Republic; Duties and rights; Realizing your slothfulness; Does this work?; The way out; Christ's weightier matters; Continue the conversation.