12/11/21: John 3
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Good news of the kingdom; Repercussions of becoming free; Moses' good news; Calling out Levites; Learning how to love your neighbor; One purse = socialism; Honoring (fattening) mother and father; Bondage of Egypt; Where you are at; Compelled offerings are not charity; Legal charity weakens society; Power corrupts; God's way; Examples of weakened society; Delusion of freedom; Misinterpreting John 3; God remains the same; Praying for mercy; Extending mercy to neighbor; John 3 abused; Greek based; Pharisees/Sadducees/Zealots were political parties; Stone temple fallacy; Nicodemus the Pharisee came to Jesus; Explaining the gospel; Baptism; Seeing/entering kingdom of God; Getting to our fallen state; Selling our birthright; How we got into trouble; Gathering for one another; Share, forgive, give in love; Your mark of the beast; Born again process; Guiding spirit; Understanding heavenly things; "Master" of Israel?; Better "Teacher"; Temporal context; Sanhedrin were to teach the law, not legislate; Drawing near to Holy Spirit; Do not mistake emotion for the Holy Spirit; Judge not; Keeping the Sabbath holy; John 3:16 God loving the "world"; 3:17 - the world MIGHT be saved; 3:18 the "name" of Christ; 3:19 - the world's evil deeds; 3:20 The DOers of evil - taking a bite of their neighbor; Repent and do truth; Faith without works is dead; Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit; v22 - Jesus baptizing; Christ, the anointed, the messiah; John the Baptist the rightful High Priest; Our deeds are evidence of who we are; Congregationalism vs Kingdom; Men and their families; Family is a Godly unit; Synagogue; "Corban" = sacrifice; Making men merchandise; The "way" of the real Christ; "Born again" in earlier history;