11/18/23: Matthew 15
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Judea at the time of Christ; Misinterpretation of Old Testament; Making the word of God to none effect; What was wrong with their sacrifice?; Abraham's welfare; Networking; Victimless charges; Peter's role; God's purpose for mankind; John the Baptist's way; "Religion"; Charity vs force; Christ the king; Righteous solutions; Praying for sight; Benevolence of the creator; Traditions/ordinances; Matt 15:1; New Sanhedrin; People's relationship with government and God; Holy Spirit revelation; Accepting the whole truth; Walking with the Lord; Transgressing tradition; Forced offerings; Bondage by agreement; Becoming sureties; Assigning your labor to government; Herod's baptism; "Leaven"; Finding fault with Jesus; Honoring father and mother; "Corban" and "doron"; Scattered flocks; Commanders in chief; Spirit of justice; Taking care of one another; Corporations (golem); Finding good guys; Knowing Moses' way; Pharisees' transgressions; Public religion; This system continues today; Blinding your heart; Commandments of men; Fervent charity; Matt 15:10; Tempting God; Seek His kingdom and righteousness; Tares; Blind leading blind; Do you understand?; Unclean; Fear not; What the kingdom of God looks like; Canaanite woman; From what "table" do you eat?; Returning power to the people; "Free" bread; Loving your neighbor; The decay of modern welfare; Being tested; Seeing "Canaan" in you; Belonging to God; Seeking help; Believing without signs; Biblical commands; Magdala; They did all eat!; "Religion"; Where is your treasure?; Sacrifice; Christ's requirements for ordination; Degenerating society; American bondage; Repent and thing Christ's way.