11/13/21: Summing Up Habakkuk
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Habakkuk - Poetic prophet; Poetry and your brain; Gods/judges; Retaining your right to choose; China's one-child contract example; Cause/effect universe; The fat of the net; Sun's effect on the world; Spiritual vs emotional; Defending foolish ideas; Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38 - The just live by faith; Making America great; Diversity; Your primary choice; Biblical translation; Chariots of salvation; The Way of Christ; Seeing the whole truth; Hab 1: Burden of violence; Returning to paradise; Perseverance; Roman price controls; Be careful what you pray for; Kyle Rittenhouse example; People snared in captivity; Leaders of light; Fake good news; Are you living by faith?; Cities of blood; The Lord's temple = YOU; Pestilence - wantonness; Burning coals; Abhor lies; The song of Moses and the Lamb - and of Habakkuk; Believing in life; Receiving life by laying down yours; Survivalists; Sing His song.