10/30/21: Habakkuk 1
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Reaching for the Kingdom; Deut 5; Ten commandments; Sabbath; Making God happy?; Recognizing metaphors; Freedom of choice; Tree of Life; Keeping the commandments; Not-love; Bondage of Egypt; Lk 22:25-27; Cutting yourself off from the Holy Spirit; Covenants; Gods many; Oaths; beit-resh-yod-tav; Faith in a house of authority; Debt; Cognitive dissonance; Covetous practices; Militia; Habakkuk - 8th of 12 minor prophets; The Just shall live by Faith; Unchanging God; Jewish Christians; Jesus: King and High Priest; Burden of Habakkuk; Finding the faithful; FDA resignations; Following media; VAERS; 1 Sam 8:18; Why God doesn't hear you; Befriending unrighteous mammon; "Incense"; Insurrection - against God; Sabbath pretenders; Usury; Habakkuk - crying out, but not being heard; Kenosha riot story; Who are the righteous?; Habakkuk 1:4; Law = Torah; Wicked authority; College funding story; Chaldeans; Golden calf; Owning your children; Freedom will take a miracle; "Violence", Binding your salvation; Evening wolves; Tav-vav; Connecting/separating faith; Giving up your right to decide/choose; The help that will save you; Who's your "god"?; Hab 1:12 - prayer; Facing hard times - for correction; Join the e-mail network; And the Living network; Become God's peculiar people; Wicked devouring righteous; Inflation; Temple of Ephesus - a bank; Apostolic treasury; The benefit snare; Are YOU seeking His kingdom and righteousness?; Praying to the world; Repent - think a different way; Organize yourselves into Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Rejecting the lie is not enough - receive the truth.