10/21/23: Matthew 7
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Contextualizing Matthew; Christ's history-changing message; Parthia and India; Digging deeper; Son of God controversy; Rome's free bread and circuses; Earlier congregations; Baptizing Christians; Welfare snare, Bondage of Egypt; Income tax; Never to go there; Choosing rulers; Julius Caesar's temples; Covetousness; Christ vs Caesar; Robbing your neighbor; Covetousness is not OK; Attacking delusion? Or saving lives?; "Christians" working iniquity; Freewill; Dopamine?; Fasting; Analyzing the Gospel; Pursuit of happiness; John 5:34; Rom 10:1; "Might be saved"; Our freewill choice; Living in light; Matt 6:22; Focus on truth; George Floyd example; Bringing light into the room; Matt 7:1; Turning neighbor into resource; Saving yourself?; "Judgement" = crema; Decree; Responsibility; Protecting neighbor; Peoples' courts; Juries; Deciding fact and law; Corban of the Pharisees; Seeing your error; Keeping commandments; Sacrifice; Matt 7:5; Your beam; Idolatry; Col 3:5; Hypocrites; Pearls of truth; Heading families; Taking care of society's needy; Approving corruption; The way of the Kingdom; Faith; Strait gate; Loving truth; Racism?; Wolves in sheep's clothing; Knowing by fruits; Fruit of modern church; Your chosen gods; Dainties; Wanting to see; Unrighteous mammon; Changing the way you think; Matt 7:21; Laws of force; Why Rome was in Judea; "Born again"; The fruit of your faith; "Belief"; Seeing your darkness; The rock of Christ; Decrees of Jesus Christ; Doers; "Authority" (power); Who is the higher power in your life?; Liberty; Siding with righteousness; "Evil"; Being wise men; Gathering in Christ's way; Scattered flock; Revelation-based judgement; Matt 8:1; Multitudes; Touching lepers; Christian minorities; Repent an do Christ's doctrines.