10/15/22: Branches of Government
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Natural Law pre-exists all other law; Believing in God; Pentateuch; Private interpretations; Essenes; Temples and Religion; No king but Caesar; Jesus the king of the Jews (citizens of Judea); Appointing gods; Jesus v Pilate; Not of this world; Why Rome was in Judea; Law of nations; Nationalism; Asylum; Are you seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness?; Why persecute Christians?; 4th branch of government; Supreme court; Theos/Elohim; Threskia - not what you think; Born again?; Constitutionalists; Constitution - bylaws; SCOTUS - constitutional interpretation; Signers of the constitution; Quick outline of law; Life on Earth; Examining nature and science; Reason and resonance (inspiration); Tree of Knowledge; Your salvation; Making America great; Municipalities; Legal systems; 3 branches of government; Judiciary act; Equity; Remedies? The covenants we make; Fourth branch of government = you; Procreation; Brothers in bondage; Have you enslaved your neighbor?; Funding schools; Government of, for and by the people; Faith, hope and charity; The snare of covetous practices; Early American freedom; Votive offerings; Individual freedom?; Respecting neighbor's property rights; Private education; Force via government = tyranny; Joseph; Christ's other way; Taking back your responsibilities; Baptism into which kingdom?; High priests; Judean government; Faith? Or Allegiance?; Misinterpreting torah; Right to choose = free nation; Doing with Christ said; Loving neighbor; Biblical constitutions; Legalizing the constitution; Democracy; Republic; Common purse; No coveting!; Being accustom to taking from others; Sharing in love; Jury nullification; Judging fact and law; Being judged as you have judged; Alienable privileges; Forfeiting your rights; Administrative courts; Breaking your chains; Christian school assignment story; Respecting right to choose; Modern pastors' fallacy; Constantinian church; Bishops; Who's your savior?; Repentance; Love your neighbor.