1/8/22: Cancelling Jesus
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Correlating bible solution with current events; Christ's unworldly kingdom on Earth; Exploitation - Capitalism vs Socialism; Controlling people; "Remission" connection; Forgiveness requirement; Cancelling Jesus; Commandments: Love God, love your neighbor; Christ's "name" = His character; Modern Christian stumbling blocks; What "law" was done away with?; Egalitarian Indians?; Social welfare via charity; Your deeds are evidence of your repentance; mem-kuf-shem-vav-lamed (stumbling block); Healing a sick society; Christ's instructions valid today; Davy Crockett story; Legal charity; Saul's folly; Early Christ social welfare; "Corban"; "Cash" vs "notes"; Degeneration of society; Mass formation of psychosis - sitting in darkness; Isolation + Deprivation + Anxiety + Singular solution imposed by authority; Aversion to "church"; Christ offers the solution; Seeing the stumbling block; Repentance required for salvation; Abraham's altars; Exploding sheep?; Passover reason; Baptism of repentance; Lovers of pulpits; Cursing children/innocent blood; The "us" and "we" of Paul; Prov 1; Social Security; Desiring the blood of your neighbor; Prov 1:13; One Purse (Socialism); Taking away neighbor's lives; Meat with blood in it; Is 59:7; Rom 3:15; No coveting!; The way of peace; Lk 1:77; Knowledge for remission process; Who are prophets?; Humility is required; Who truly believeth? Acts 10:43; Do YOU believe?; Who is Jesus?; Are you willing to learn?; His warnings; His instructions; His love; His kingdom; Col 2:14; Hand-written ordinances; Repenting from sloth; Unrighteous tables/altars; Two witnesses; Strengthening the poor; Heb 9:22; Sacrificing for neighbor; No love without sacrifice (corban); Drawing near to God; Mk 11:25; Mt 6:14; Mt 18:35; Lk 6:37; Lk 11:4; Lk 12:10; Blaspheming the Holy Spirit; Gather and fear not; Serve one another; Recreate our social bonds; Community is communion.