1/6/24: Matthew 27
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Relating bible to everyday life; Mistaking emotional for spiritual; "Pagans"; Mt 27:1; King James Bible is a product of men; God allows choice; Arrested by Temple guards; Delivering to Pilate; Jurisdictions; Persecuting Christians; Your subjection; Church exemption; Bondage of Egypt; Redefining "religion"; Repentance of Judas; Original text of Matthew; How many Marys?; Understanding "oil"; Why did Judas betray Jesus?; "Treasury" = "Corban"; Going the way of Christ; Judas's misunderstanding; Constantine's christians; Jeremiah 18:2; Reincarnation?; Jer 32:7; While you are sleeping; Cheating Caesar/the unrighteous mammon; Mt 27:11 Jesus before Pilate; Procula?; Fitting the narrative?; Robe put on Jesus; Potter's field; Witness stand story; People's court; Turning up Holy Spirit; Mt 27:15 (notable) prisoner release; Barabbas = "son of the father"; Pilate riot put-down story; Knowing Pilate's history; Crowd brought by pharisees; Pilate's inability to prevail; Types of law; Did Romans crucify Jesus?; Sharing truth; Deut 19:10 shedding innocent blood; Ps 106:38; Prov 1:10; Prov 6:16; Seeing your delusion; Why God won't hear you; Gal 5:14 Loving neighbor as thyself; Achieving freedom; The song of Moses and of the Lamb; Imagining you're a Christian; Covetous practices; Scarlet Robe; Matthew's varied chronology; Organizing as Christ commanded; Carrying Christ's "cross"; Thoughts on Herod; Casting lots for Christ's torn garments; Mark 15:24; Lk 23:24; Forgiveness of Christ; John 19:2; Pilate's signage; Crucifixion reason; Matthew's lack of detail; Signs?; Many women attending; Practice forgiveness.