1/6/24: Matthew 26 continued
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Good news; Insurrection; Declining Roman Empire; Repentance; Moving from light into darkness; Archeology; Excavations in Rome; Cover-ups in Tepe (Turkey); Uncovering important mysteries; Spiritual insight; Simon the jar-maker; People preferring darkness; Hating Christians; Walking in forgiveness; Anger at the truth; Changing your jurisdiction; Essene charity; Sanhedrin; Hi priests; Wave offerings; Values of Christ; Preparing yourself for Holy Spirit; "name" = character; Christ's praying; Worldly distractions; Fasting; Why Rome in Judea; Matt 26:51 cutting off an ear; Spiritual enemies; Praying for answers; No exercising authority; Caiaphas; Seeking false witnesses against Christ; Holy Spirit causes choice; Matt 26:58 following from afar; Fixing spiritual things; Reaching for God; Council = Sanhedrin; "Elder"; Unrighteous Sanhedrin; The Way of Christ; Temple of God; Sons of God; Temple functions; Sharing/charity; Seeking righteousness; Matt 26:64 to Caiaphas directly; (Righteous) Son of Man; Second coming?; Holy Spirit provides courage; Peter's denial of Christ; Breaking Peter; Benefits from Pharoah; Hearing the cries of your brothers; Watching and praying; Degeneration of society; God's judgement matters; "His Holy Church"; Inheritance in the Kingdom of God: Mark 7:21; God's healing; Being a good servant; Paying your tale of bricks; Gal 5:19; Adulterating your body; Christ's ultimate remedy; Forgiveness required; Matt 27 introduction; Repent and seek His kingdom and His righteousness.