1/21/23: Letters from Listeners
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Free souls under God; Anti-Christians; Decrees of Christ the King; Creation; "God"; Jesus's instructions; Letters from listeners; Eating from the Tree of Knowledge; PayPal; Substantive economy; Marriage commitment; Setting aside your willfulness; Consequences of our choices; Lack of humility; Revelation from James; What God wants; Manipulation of Pharaoh and Pharisees; Negotiating with God; Natural consequences; Federal Reserve; Boat story; Being faithful to your father; Mammon; Your suretyship; US Constitution is not a Christian document; Accommodating tyranny; Sowing seeds; Money; Christ's decree: Organize in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; "Tabernacle"; Doing Christ's word; Army of Moses; Freeing the people; Being thorough; Embassy of Heaven story; Christ's "system"; Battling the beast; Spiritual power; Pursuing the answer; Repentance; Remaining faithful; Walking in the spirit; Seeing into the heart; Walking into hell; Evil bowing before Holy Spirit; Christian jural society; Israelites walking with God; Upsetting God?; Wrath of God; Judging the innocent; Faith compelling action; Actions are evidence; Basics of the kingdom; God wants you to be a super hero; Hating Pharaoh?; Legitimate bondage; Creating God's system; Masoretic text; King James bible; Keeping a daily ministration; Canaanites; Becoming merchandise; Foolish virgins; Wedding feast?; Where's your Pure Religion?; Switching trees; God writing upon your heart; Language of love; Importance of sharing; Love as a utility; Forgiveness and patience; Charity unspotted by the world (unrighteousness mammon); Overcoming noise from the wicked; "Yeshua"?; "Names"; Hebrew letters; Leaving with Moses; Hear God directly.