1/1/22: Remission of Sins

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Setting the captive free; What did Jesus say?; Context is critical; Misunderstanding Paul; John 3 and "Born Again"; Denying Christ's directives; Forcing your neighbor to provide your benefits is evil, not love; Hating the light; "Clinic" story; Dumbing down society; The new "Normal"; "Remission" - 10x in bible (aphesis); 7 more times as another word; Release from bondage; Joseph's bondage; Egypt's bondage; Your neighbor's bondage; Mt 26:28; Parable teaching; Christ's blood shed for many for remission of sins; What sins?; Adam's (original) sin?; Blasphemy?; Commandments?; Pilate judging Christ; John 3:17; John 5:34; MIGHT be saved; Networking the body together; "Religion"; Altars; Rom 10:1; 1 Thess 2:16; Repentance required; James 2:12; Patterns of creation; Why you are deceivable; John 14:21; 1 John 5:2; Who's preaching Christ?; Patience of saints; Living by fear; Ex 20:6; "Commandments" = guiding statements; "Honoring" father and mother; Becoming part of Christ's network; Caesar's offices; Recognizing Rome in the United States; The Christian Conflict; Free bread and circuses; The "Way" of Christ; Contracting with world gods; Essenes; Worldly governments naturally doomed; Force vs service; John the Baptist's difference; Knowing your children are cursed; Titus 1:16 = Modern Christianity; James 2:17; Nicolaitans; Appetite for benefits by force predominant today; Not to be that way with us; Christ is the answer; Ending socialism (one purse); "Legal Charity"; Mk 1:4 baptism of repentance; Denying love; Unrighteous wages; The burden you've created; Social Security has never been solvent; Vitamin D deficiency; The whole truth; Lk 3:3; Repentance leads to remission of sins; Seeking righteousness; Lk 24:45 Understanding; Ministers of Christ teach repentance; Charity and grace; Acts 2:38; "Gift of Holy Ghost"; Immersion in repentance; Letting go of darkness; What God has said from the beginning; Is 42:7; Mic 7:8; Mt 11:5; Mk 10:51; Laws done away with; Lk 7:21; Awaken to your bondage.

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