We're Hiring A Caregiver?!

Junkyard Mayhem with Squirmy & Grubs - En podcast av Shane & Hannah Burcaw

Attention!! Are you the golden unicorn we have been searching for? We start off this week, with moments of Junkyard Joy: Disney Edition. Also, with our IVF journey beginning we are talking out the details of what this process might look like, to calm our nerves. We end with a little game to deeper our relationship.For transcripts of this week's podcast click below:https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7djgdxnqjousut/Junkyard%20Mayhem%20-%20Episode%2024%20-%20Transcriptions%20.pdf?dl=0Thank you to this week's sponsor Zoc Doc - Go to Zocdoc.com/JUNKYARD and download the Zocdoc app for FREE.For more Mayhem follow us at:https://instagram.com/junkyardmayhemhttps://instagram.com/shaneburcawhttps://instagram.com/hannahaylhttps://www.facebook.com/squirmyandgrubs/https://www.squirmyandgrubs.com/junkyardmayhemWatch full episodes of the podcast and more: https://www.youtube.com/SquirmyandGrubsWe would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.Executive Producers are Riley Peleuses + Michaela Garrison for YEA Networks / YEA Podcasts If you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Shane and Hannah as guests on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to podcast@yeanetworks.com

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