24 Jan 25 – Questions/Answers on the Novus Ordo and Kneeling

Jesus 911 - En podcast av Jesse Romero, Eddie Chavez, Ruben Nava

Today's Topics: 1) In the New Order of the Mass, there are two times at Mass where there is confusion amongst the laity as to when we should kneel down. At the "Orate Fratres" (Pray Brethren) and the "Agnus Dei" (Lamb of God). What are we suppose to do? 2) Pentecostals and Charismatics teachers say that any lay person can lay hands on any  other lay person’s head and drive out a demon, quoting Mark 16:17-18 3) John Lennon song "Imagine" is pure psyops, promoting themes of peace, unity, and the idea of a world without divisions such as religion, countries, or possessions, but actually promoting globalism and communism 4) John Lennon’s pact with Satan https://www.traditioninaction.org/bkreviews/A_026br_LennonProphecy.htm

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