722 - 'Math' or 'Maths'? Irregular Verbs.
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing - En podcast av QuickAndDirtyTips.com

Have you ever wondered why the British say "maths" and "in hospital" and Americans say "math" and "in the hospital"? We have some answers. Also, we look at why the most common verbs tend to be irregular. LINKS AND SPONSORS | Native: http://nativedeodorant.com code: GG | Magoosh: http://magoosh.com code: GRAMMAR | Grammar Girl Email Newsletter | https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/newsletters | GRAMMAR POP iOS GAME | Optimized for iPad: http://bit.ly/iPadGrammarPop | For iPad and iPhone: http://bit.ly/GrammarPopMobile | PEEVE WARS CARD GAME | https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/grammar-girl-s-peeve-wars | GRAMMAR GIRL BOOKS | http://bit.ly/GrammarPopBooks | GRAMMAR GIRL IS PART OF THE QUICK AND DIRTY TIPS PODCAST NETWORK | VOICEMAIL: 833-214-GIRL (833-214-4475)