SO2E04 Lucy Yeomans on the enduring power of print
Fashion No Filter - En podcast av Fashion No Filter

In this episode, Camille and Monica take you inside the gilded offices of Fashion’s e-commerce giant, Net-a-Porter, for an interview with the woman who has solidified Net as an editorial authority too. After editing UK Harper’s Bazaar for 14 years, Lucy Yeomans has been editor-in-chief of Porter magazine since its launch in February 2014 — a time when most publications were moving from print to digital. After coming up with the idea of Porter with her friend Natalie Massenet, Lucy expertly spearheaded Net’s move against the tide, successfully founding a highly relevant fashion glossy that has exceeded all circulation expectations. Assembling an impressive masthead of fashion media heavyweights, she infused Porter with her unique perspective, creating a magazine that is one hundred percent on women's side. Your hosts catch up with Lucy on the state of the print world today, her impressive career path and get her wisdom how to responsibly helm a magazine for woman in the post me-too era. For those who want to check out people and accounts discussed in this episode, here’s a little recap: Porter Magazine coverstars: @Gisele, @BellaHadid, @MargotRobbie Supermodel: @The_real_Iman Photographers: @peterbeardart, @mirella_ricciardi, @Mario_Sorrenti Eco warriors: @Parley.TV Stylist: @moppy_pilcher (Morgan Pilcher) Email or reach us on Instagram @fashionnofilter. For information regarding your data privacy, visit