January 2021 Podcast: We are back in business!
Digitally Uploaded - En podcast av DigitallyDownloaded.net

Welcome to the New Year, everyone! Let's hope that this year is a better one for everyone. We are back with our monthly podcasts this year, where we'll look at all the games coming up in the month, as well as discussing various other topics... and hopefully have a guest or two along the way as well! This month's a pretty casual one. We chat about what we're looking forward to in the year, and some of the highlights of last year. We also chat about the games that have defined the last generation, as this will be the first full year of the "new-gen" with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Be sure to shout out over the year if there are any topics you'd like to see us cover. Otherwise, we look forward to having you tune in each month over the year!