Assassin's Creed, hell in video games, and Sonic Racing is back, baby! (Digitally Uploaded 2018, Episode #20)
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A new horror game, called Agony, released recently, and it is, by a significant margin, the best depiction of hell that we've seen to date. So we discuss how hell should be depicted in a game first up this week. We also talk about Assassin's Creed, now that a new one in that wonderful series has been announced. And then, for something a bit lighter, we also chat about the new Sonic Racing game that has just been announced. Could Hatsune Miku put in an appearance? We sure hope so! Feel free to come say hello to us on Twitter! Alan M: @Trufflesss_ Matt S: @digitallydownld Ginny W: @ginnywoes Trent P: @trinest