Episode 3 – Lisa Diamond
Circle of Willis - En podcast av Jim Coan

Welcome to Episode 3, where I discuss the science and politics ofsexual identity with LISA DIAMOND of the University of Utah. We’ll also hear about Lisa’s personal story—how she came to identify as a feminist, as a lesbian, and as a scientist, and how all of those identities have converged on a profound body of work. If you’re interested in a deeper dive into this research, you should check out her award-winning 2009 book entitled, SEXUAL FLUIDITY: UNDERSTANDING WOMEN'S LOVE AND DESIRE, about which Hanne Blank of Ms. had this to say: "Captivating, nuanced, and rigorous… Diamond’s work is vital precisely because sexual fluidity is not a new concept—Freud called his version ‘polymorphous perversity’—but merely one that is typically dismissed. Nor is it news to women, particularly not to a generation for whom a nonspecific ‘queer’ affiliation, or no affiliation at all, is increasingly common. What is so important is not that this fluidity exists, but that someone has finally paid it systematic attention and found that it is in fact not the exception, but may well be the rule." And while you're at it, check out this truly seminal paper Lisa wrote for Psychological Review on the differences between romantic love and sexual attraction in the determination of sexual orientation. It’s an amazing piece of work, and pretty accessible even for non-specialists. Here it is: WHAT DOES SEXUAL ORIENTATION ORIENT? A BIOBEHAVIORAL MODEL DISTINGUISHING ROMANTIC LOVE AND SEXUAL DESIRE * * * As always, remember that this podcast is brought to you by VQR and the Center for Media and Citizenship. Plus, we're a member of the TEEJ.FM podcast network. AND... The music of CIRCLE OF WILLIS was composed and performed by Tom Stauffer, Gene Ruley and their band THE NEW DRAKES. You can purchase this music at their Amazon page. Find out more at http://circleofwillispodcast.com This podcast is powered by Pinecast.