What To Say When You Talk To Yourself

How to Be Fine - En podcast av Kristen and Jolenta - Torsdagar

We all talk to ourselves, right? But when we do, are we being as kind as we should? Jolenta and Kristen examine their own self talk - and try to improve it, of course - with the help of the classic bestseller What To Say When You Talk To Yourself, by Shad Helmstetter. 

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And huge thanks to this week's sponsors:

Life on the Fast Track, a brand new podcast from Slate Studios in collaboration with Ford. Cheer on three girl scouts as they design, build and race their own wooden cars in the Ford Girls’ Fast Track Races. You’ll meet their families, unpack some power tools, and hear what happens when girls are empowered to put STEAM principles to the test. Download and subscribe to Life on the Fast Track wherever you get your podcasts.

The Walk, a brand new podcast from Panoply and Six To Start, in which you, the listener, are the hero. The Walk begins in Inverness station, Scotland. Through a case of mistaken identity, you, "the walker," are given a vital package that must be couriered to Edinburgh. Written by Naomi Alderman, author of The Power, listen and subscribe to The Walk wherever you get your podcasts.  

Life Effects, a new podcast series from Teva. Life Effects brings together stories from real people who live with depression every day. Hear tips from those who have made it their mission to make depression a mainstream topic while they also examine the larger issues surrounding the disease. Download and subscribe to Life Effects wherever you find your podcasts.

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