(004) 🇬🇧 USA (NYC) – Shelbi

Birth on Earth - En podcast av Ombline


Bonjour Ă  toutes! Voici un Ă©pisode en anglais, enregistrĂ© avec Shelbi, une amie rencontrĂ©e pendant mes Ă©tudes en Angleterre. J'espĂšre que celles qui parlent anglais apprĂ©cieront de pouvoir entendre la version originale! La version française arrivera vendredi... A trĂšs vite ! How does a home-birth happen in a small apartment? In a city as big as NYC is? How do we find the inner strength to pursue the wish of such a birth when most people around seems so reluctant? Today, Shelbi is telling us how she and Julian decided to welcome their baby daughter at home

Music: Edenrod - Je te regrette

Instagram: @birth.on.earth.podcast

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