Episode 113 - Stéphane Denève
a mic on the podium - En podcast av Michael Seal
Having worked with Stéphane Denève on a project together in the summer of 2022, I knew he would be a brilliant guest and a very interesting person to chat with. It helped that we had become friends very quickly indeed! I discovered who his ”Yoda” was, he gave a really brilliant answer to Question 7 that I just did not see coming, and I heard how an experience in the ”night bar” of the Ritz Hotel, Paris, changed his life! Here is a link to Stéphane’s website to see the video we discuss of him assisting Sir Georg Solti in London -https://www.stephanedeneve.com/video/ If you would like to discover a whole lot more about conductors and conducting, why not subscribe at https://www.patreon.com/amiconthepodium, and, for a monthly fee starting from just £5 a month, you can access two new series of interviews, group Zoom meetings with other fans of the podcast and myself, a monthly bulletin about the podcast and my own career as well as articles, photos, videos and even conducting lessons from myself. If you listen via Apple podcasts, please do leave a rating and review - it really helps the podcast get noticed and attract more listeners. If you want to get involved on social media, you can via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/amiconthepodium) or Twitter (@amiconthepodium). This interview was recorded on 15th August 2022 via Zoom.