306; How self aware are you really? Do you have a fear of letting go control? Needing to see results to "stay on plan"? Clara Swedlund t
100% Real With Ruby; no #BS nutrition, fitness & psychology - En podcast av Ruby Cherie
https://www.instagram.com/clara_theexerpsych/ https://www.instagram.com/transformxruby/ BODY IMAGE analysis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK546582/ What if we are comparing ourselves to an old version of ourselves This is why we want to change our bodies in the first place bc we want to be perceived in a certain way and think our body and changing it is whats going to make us feel happier more satisfied, more confident like we can wear skimpy clothes or whatever But is it really? Again how can being so Don't like letting go of control They feel they Safety and defense and needing to know all the ins and outs so they need to know The brain loves certain predictability We may have the goal which is ours and it is ours but we are seeing it in a different language or lens than it actually is or we say we want it but we don't realise that our view of how to get there is totally wrong How can a physique orientated focus / approach impact eating patterns that don't serve us like emotional eating, Hyperfixate on the body we think we should have How it can lead us into a trajectory we don't want